Sunday, 5 May 2013

Beautiful Baby abaondoned under a bus in Lagos.

The beautiful baby you see above was found under a commercial bus today at Johnson Ikumola Street in Idimu, Lagos. The child was quickly rushed to a nearby hospital because he had suffered from severe mosquito bites.

The baby may have been thrown away out of fear? and found by grace. Thankfully still alive and hopefully  whoever did this  will have a change of heart and come back for the baby, every child  is a precious gift from God.

Kate Douglas Wiggin
''Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility''


  1. Sad much,ppl are fasting and praying for kids and ppl r dumping theirs:(

  2. Diff strokesfor difffolks:some will do anthing to have theirs while for others its easy to throw away#life
