Saturday 27 July 2013

Grandmother, 47, Wants Cosmetic Surgery to Make Her Look Older, says looking half her age is ruining her life.

'I was even accused of being a gold-digger because it looked like I was with a much older man. It was driving us both mad'
Grandmother Anne Bolton says she is tired of being mistaken for a woman half her age. The 47-year-old mother of four says being constantly mistaken for a 20-year-old is ruining her life. She is even considering plastic surgery to look closer to her age.
The market stall worker in Bristol, England told Daily mail she believes her jealous friends abandoned her because she makes them feel older. Her eldest son Arthur, who recently became a father, no longer shops with his mother because other shoppers mistake her for his girlfriend.Bolton says she is forced to socialize with women in their twenties so she looks the same age as them.
She says her youthful looks ruined her relationship with her last boyfriend, a man 2 years older than her. Bolton said he left her because people often stared at them. “At first he loved it and complimented me on my appearance. He said he was proud to be with me,” said Bolton.
“But soon the looks from younger guys triggered arguments. But what could I do about it?”
“When he was 42 I still looked 22,” she said. “People didn’t believe I had four children. He hated people asking if he was my dad or brother. I could see the way things were going again.”The couple had two sons — Joshua, now 13, and seven-year-old Jacob. Bolton said she is so desperate to look her age that she considered drastic measures such as surgery.
“I would have changed it if I could, only there is no operation to make you look older.”
She says: 'As they started to look older and I just looked younger, my friends saw me as a threat to them.
'Their husbands would tell me how young I looked and it annoyed them so they stopped inviting me out. It wasn't my fault but what could I do?
'Women my own age think standing next to me makes them look old. I can see them looking me up and down - I've even been called a bitch. 
'So I have to hang around with much younger women. They are good fun but deep down we're not into the same things. Some are younger than my son but what choice do I have?
'Because of the way I look I don’t feel I fit in anywhere - with young people, or those my own age. I bring out the bitchy side in women so I'm scared to try to make new friends.'
Anne, who uses just soap and water and Palmer's face cream, has even started examining her face in the mirror in the hope of finding a wrinkle.
She admits: 'Most women dread them while I am desperate to find just one. But my face and body are totally smooth. 
'I’ve lost count of the times people have asked me if I could bottle my secret and sell it - I'd be a millionaire if I could.'


  1. This woman is hilarious..... Who told her she looks half her age? Abeg she looks every inch her age

  2. She Luks younger cos she puts on skimpy girlish clothes. Good for her

  3. Tell her to wear grandma clothes and she will look like granny immediately.

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