Tuesday 30 July 2013

Husband poisons wife over barrenness.

A 47-year-old, bricklayer, Damilare Olotu went to the extreme in his quest for a child when he allegedly poisoned his wife, Mary, 45 for not been able to bear children in their marriage.
The action of the man had since landed him in Police as he has already been arrested by men of the Ondo State Command.
Mary, who hailed from Kwara State was a trader and had been having running battle with the husband over barrenness.
When the husband could no longer wait for the ‘right time,’ he married a second wife, Kemi, from Igbara Oke area of the state who bore him two children
It was alleged that the second wife reportedly insisted on moving into the suspect’s house, but the late Mary refused.
The younger brother to the deceased, Mr. Lawrence Omotosho, told newsmen that the suspect and the second wife connived to poison his sister.
He claimed that, the sister had told him that the suspect had severally threatened to kill her. Omotosho called on the police to investigate the matter thoroughly and bring the culprit to book.
Spokesman of the state Police Command, Wole Ogodo, said investigation into Mary’s death was on-going, noting that the case has been transferred from Igbara Oke to the headquarters in Akure for further investigation.
Meanwhile, the corpse of the deceased has since been deposited in a mortuary for autopsy.

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