Monday 22 July 2013

Jilted bride jumps off a 7-floor building.

A local community officer reaches her just in time to avert tragedyThe rescuer, helped by support from directly below, manages to haul her to safetyShe is eventually dragged back through the windowDramatic: Hundreds gathered outside the residential building in Jilin province, north-east China to watch the amazing scenes unfold

This is a picture of a Chinese woman who attempted suicide by jumping off a 7-floor building when her boyfriend of 4 years called off the wedding. 
She couldn't take the humiliation, still in her wedding gown, the lady tried to kill herself by jumping out of the window in her room in a 7-floor building. 
Residents leaning from surrounding windows were seen staring in disbelief as the unidentified 22-year-old climbed through a narrow window

The desperate woman had clambered out on to the window ledge of a residential building in Changchun, Jilin province in China, dressed in a flowing ivory wedding gown.
As horrified onlookers tried to talk her away from danger, the bride-to-be was about fall when she was saved by a local community officer.

She was eventually saved when a local community officer, Guo Zhong Fan, grabbed her and held her by her shoulders and wedding dress.
A second man was seen clambering out from the window directly below to support the woman's feet and assist her rescue.As the dramatic episode unfolded, hundreds had crowded in the street next to the building watching the drama unfold.
Emergency services had managed to put up a soft landing surface underneath her apartment window.
It was reported the woman's rescuer then carried her downstairs where he was met by a retired army officer who told him: 'You must've been a soldier before, thank you, you're a great man!'
The woman herself suffered no major injuries and was driven away in an ambulance.


  1. This lady na original desperado. She's lucky she's still alive.

  2. Is she sure the marriage would have not lasted into a divorce which is a better?
