Friday, 19 July 2013

Natasha Brings Kamuzu Airport To A Stand Still #BBATheChase.

Home Coming: Natasha Brings Kamuzu Airport To A Stand Still #BBATheChase
Home Coming: Natasha Brings Kamuzu Airport To A Stand Still #BBATheChase
As the  S.A.A plane touched the runway,they where scenes of commotion ,mayhem, frenzy and even stark madness, everyone wanted to have a glimpse of BIG MAMA AFRICA, Natasha ,The Malawian Big Brother representative
Last time scenes like these were witnessed  at the airport in Malawi, was when the Ngwazi Dr H kamuzu banda was coming from United kingdom.As soon as the doors of the plane were opened everyone rushed to the arrival.
The Malawi police were on hand to control the crowd as the “Celeb” arrived.
What would happen if were Naija rep Beverly Osu who allowed Naija to be ''fingered and sub-raped'' by South Africa?


  1. There will be a crowd if na beverly but it will be a pure water throwin crowd trust me

  2. She shd hurry and be evicted abeg so we can come and "welcome"her too

  3. Concerned citizen19 July 2013 at 21:28

    Natasha....the life of a superstar. Beverly....the life of a big let down...
