Monday, 8 July 2013

Please help find Ifeanyi Okenwa.

 Ifeanyi Okenwa 411vibesIfeanyi Okenwa 411vibes

4-year old Ifeanyi Okenwa was kidnapped on Tuesday 2nd July, 2013 at his school, May Blossom Nursery School in Achara Layout at 9am, in  Enugu. He is yet to be found. Please share his picture and rebroadcast through any means available and contact 08038100238 with any valuable information.

Help in the search for this innocent boy any way you can- circulate his photo or pass on this information, somebody out there, may have some useful information, no matter how trivial.
This message was endorsed by Okenwa family. We pray for his safe return.


  1. Concerned citizen9 July 2013 at 19:05

    It is really sad that some people are now willing to do anything to make money. We all need to be our brothers' keepers to check this wave of kidnapping going on in Nigeria. I pray they find him safe and sound soon.

  2. May God keep Ifeanyi safe till he is re united with his family.

  3. @ Bayo, a big Amen to your short prayer.

  4. And another amen

  5. God pls keep him and bring him home IJN!
