Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Woman Accuses Husband Of Selling Their Son For N2 Million

A mother of seven has appeared at the Ebute Meta Magistrate’s court, accusing her husband, of selling their son, an undergraduate for N2m.
Elizabeth Morenike and Toye Orire have been together for years but are not married.
According to Morenike reports, Orire collected money from the accused person, Ehinmosan Odumayo, whom she claimed took Segun out to the high seas for work on June 2, 2012 but he never came back home.
“On June 2, 2012, around 6am, I was in my house when my son, Segun Orire, came to tell me that he wanted to follow Odumayo to work,” she said.
“I was preparing to go to the market when he told me, so I gave him the permission to go.
“When I came back, I couldn’t find him and I became bothered. So, I asked his junior sister, and she said he had followed Odumayo to Takwa Bay.
“I searched for him, and after I could not find him, I went to meet Odumayo to demand my son’s whereabouts.
“Odumayo then said he left my son in a flag boat.”
She said ever since the incident, her son had not been found.
She alleged that her husband gave up on the search for their son and collected N2m as settlement.
However, the defence argued that Segun’s mother was inconsistent in her claims on the time her child left the house, and whether  she saw the accused taking her child out on the said date.
When the magistrate, Mrs. K.O Doja-ojo, asked him to end the questioning, the defence counsel said,  “Sir, we are not done yet. We have about 115 questions to ask the witness.”
The matter was later adjourned till July 22.

Culled From The Punch 


  1. The story sounds like a tale and the woman did not say she witnessed the transaction. Mere allegations cannot stick.

  2. This is crazy.
