Wednesday 28 August 2013

22-year old man caught trying to rape 80-year old blind woman.

A Magistrate Court sitting at  Kasuwan Shanu, Gombe State, on Tuesday, remanded 22-year-old Mohammed Inuwa for attempting to rape a blind 80-year-old woman, Malama Hannutu Baba.
Inuwa was arrested by officials of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) on August 23, 2013.
Joel Khestossen, the State Commander of the agency, said the suspect, who resides at Herwagana quarters of the state, was caught while attempting the act.
He said that Inuwa gained entry into the blind woman’s house under the pretence of looking for one Kabiru Sani, a student of the Federal College of Education (Technical) Gombe.
“When he entered the house, there was nobody, as everybody had gone to the mosque except the blind woman,” Khestossen said.
“When she heard his footsteps, she asked who the person was and the suspect did not talk but quietly went and grabbed the woman. He started struggling with her and he tried to force her to have sex with him. Unfortunately for him, the woman’s grandson, Malam Mohammed Baba, returned from the mosque and discovered what was going on. He raised an alarm which attracted people to the house.”
The commander said that the suspect was overpowered by the neighbours, who later handed him over to NSCDC.


  1. The evil that men do....

  2. Oh my God!what a pervert!the thots of man are evil.thank God dat old woman did not suffer such molestation at such an old age.

  3. Someone old enough to be ur granmother?sickening
