Wednesday 14 August 2013

Now there's an app that tells you if you are good in bed - by monitoring how much you move and how noisy you are.

A new iPhone app called Spreadsheets offers an incredibly detailed insight into how well you are able to fulfill a lover's needs.
The application times how long sex lasts, monitors both the speed and frequency of a couple's sexual rhythm as well as the amount of noise created when making sweet music in the bedroom.
Spreadsheets works by monitoring data from a user’s movement and audio levels through the phone's inbuilt accelerometer and microphone, to provide statistical and visual analysis of their performance in bed.
The app does not record or playback audio or video however.
According to the app's homepage, all data is stored securely on a person's mobile device and information is never relayed, backed up, or synced to the internet.


  1. Wow. That's an app I have to lay my hands on immediately. Lol.

  2. This app na the 'mother of all apps'. I need it too.
