Monday 2 September 2013

Is this right? Have your say..


A lady made a statement that caused a ruckus today.She was with her friends and stated that  her special prayers which involved fasting, midnight prayers, psalms, etc was causing a strain with her husband. The problem is this: she refuses to have sex with her husband in the duration of her prayers which will last for 2weeks. While  some of  her friends disagreed saying it's wrong others  advised her not to indulge till she's done with the prayers, since it's all about making sacrifices and no sex for 2weeks will kill any

I remember watching  a Nollywood movie that featured Rita Dominic and this kind of scenario was played out, where she refused to have sex with her husband played by Ghanaian actor, John Dumelo while she was doing her novena prayers. Her husband decided to get  his groove on with one of the palace maids since body no be firewood,  though the issues were resolved at the end of the movie and Rita  acknowledged that she should not have starved of sex...can't remember the movie title...

What's your take? To do or not during a special period of prayers?


  1. Nothing wrong with giving your husband some when you are fasting and praying methinks.

  2. U're a nympho I guess?@naijaboy

  3. Depends on the frequency of the prayer session.surely a man can give up 2 weeks every four months. 2 weeks every month is not acceptable. Methinks talking about it in a win-win manner would solve the ish..

  4. Discuss with ur hubby b4 u venture into such prayers. Nothing wrong with making that sacrifice for the good of all but if he says he can't then the duration of the prayer can be reduced.
