Sunday, 1 December 2013

Are you happy? 24days to Christmas...30 days to 2014...

It's 24 days to christmas and 30 days to 2014...
December starts today and I'm feeling really happy and thankful...happy because December comes with a myriad of feelings:nostalgia, hope, events, getting together with family, relatives and old friends coming home for christmas...and grateful cos this year has been tumultuous with some ups and downs...I lost two very dear people this year, and I have an endless list of things to thank and praise God for! He is indeed awesome and mighty!

It's 24 days to christmas and I hope you are happy and looking forward to it....What makes this season special for you?
It's 30 days to ''carry over''...mend every fence that needs fixing....
Welcome to the month of December! May all your wishes and prayers  come true....keep safe as we look forward to celebrate the birth of Christ.xx


  1. Oh yes,I'm happy. God has done a lot for me this year!

  2. Yes I am happy. This season is special because we get the chance to reunite with family members and to share the company of loved ones.

  3. Am super excited!Thank u God for ur faithfulness and mercy up to this moment

  4. A heart of gratitude and looking foward to all the fetivities that comes wt xmas, plenty choppings,masquerade festivals and carnivals.can't wait :)

  5. Eating. & sleeping with my phone switched off,I get to blame it on bad village network :-)
