Tuesday 15 April 2014

Cameron Diaz believes in having more than one partner

Revelations: Cameron Diaz has admitted she believes in having more than one partner, as women expect too much from men when it comes to monogamous relationships
She's one of the world's most beautiful actresses and has previously dated the likes of Justin Timberlake, Jared Leto and Alex Rodriguez.

But it would seem that one man might not necessarily be enough to fulfill Cameron Diaz's needs. 
The 41-year-old screen star has admitted she believes in having more than one partner, as women expect too much from men when it comes to monogamous relationships.

She said in an interview with the Daily Mirror newspaper: 'For some reason, we get into relationships and we expect one man to understand ‘all’ the parts of us and meet all of those needs. I think that’s where everything fails.' 
Asked if she thought having more than one partner was better, Cameron replied: 'Why not? Why would that be so bad?'
The Other Woman star, who is currently single, explained she now looks to her female friends to satisfy her varying needs. 
Do you agree with her on this?