Monday 1 September 2014

September Is Here

Another month is here. Today is the beginning of the month of September. It is also the beginning of the last quarter of the year 2014. How do you plan to end your activities this year? Do you want to end on a high note? Do you want to end the year with smiles on your face? Maybe you want to carry over your plans till next year or re-evaluate what you've done so far.
This is the time to do what needs to be done so that in December,you won't feel swamped by the many things you left undone.
May this month of September bring all that your heart desires.


  1. Where did the year go..? Gone in a flash

  2. The Ember months are here and it's time for everyone to be prayerful

  3. May the Good Lord bless all our hustle till the end of the year and keep us alive and we'll.amen
