Sunday 18 January 2015

Food for thought.

Truth speaker: Pope Francis puts a hand on the head of Glyzelle Iris Palomar, who asked him why bad things happen to children

The girl, who was rescued and found shelter in a Church-run community, broke down in tears and could not finish her prepared welcome

A record six million people poured into Manila's rain-soaked streets and its biggest park as Pope Francis ended his Asian pilgrimage with the biggest-ever papal mass.
The crowd estimate included people who attended the Pope's final Mass in Rizal Park and surrounding areas, and lined his motorcade route, said officials in the Philippine capital.
It came after the pope was earlier challenged by a 12-year-old orphan girl to explain how God could allow innocent children who have done nothing wrong to be dragged into lives of drug addiction and prostitution. 
The Pope's last full day in the Philippines began with a youth gathering at a Catholic university in Manila, where attendees were moved by a question posed by a 12-year-old orphan girl.
Glyzelle Iris Palomar asked him: 'Many children are abandoned by their parents. Many of them became victims and bad things have happened to them, like drug addiction and prostitution. Why does God allow this to happen, even if the children are not at fault? Why is it that only a few people help us?'
The girl, who was rescued and found shelter in a Church-run community, broke down in tears and could not finish her prepared welcome. The Pope hugged her(photo above)  and later put aside most of his own prepared speech to respond.
'She is the only one who has put forward a question for which there is no answer and she was not even able to express it in words but rather in tears,' he said, visibly moved.'Why do children suffer?' the Argentine Pope said, speaking in his native Spanish. An aide translated his words into English for the crowd of about 30,000 young people on the grounds of the Church-run university.'I invite each one of you to ask yourselves, "Have I learned how to weep, how to cry when I see a hungry child, a child on the street who uses drugs, a homeless child, an abandoned child, an abused child, a child that society uses as a slave?"
Francis noted there were more men than women in the crowd and that it was a little girl who was able to move everyone.'Women have much to tell us in today's society. At times we are too "machista" and don't allow room for women,' he said, using the Spanish term for male chauvinist. The crowd laughed.'But women are capable of seeing things with a different angle from us, with a different eye, and pose questions that we men are not able to understand ... so when the next pope comes to Manila, let's please have more women among you,' he said.

This brings another question to my mind ''why do bad things happen to good people?''


  1. Because we allow it, society is to blame. Bad things don't have to happen at all if everybody is doing the right thing. We must each ask ourselves questions. We should learn to be selfless always know how whatever it is your doing affects other people.

  2. Poor girl must've been through a lot. We should learn to show empathy.

  3. Am in tears right now

  4. Such a sad and deep question with no ready made answers

  5. So true @ anon 08:31.... and the ans is there if we look in d mirror- d man in d mirror #Michael Jackson- is responsible & should be responsible to make a change for 1 person at a time. Scripture talks abt giving clothes to d naked, feeding d poor, etc... wen was d last person u & i did any of dt?? If we consciously do one kind tin at a time it wldnt be dis bad....

    1. Let's pay it forward. ..Mati pls start the movt. ..too much hate in this world:(

  6. This Pope has a way of touching my heart every time and making me believe
