Thursday, 19 February 2015

Will Smith discusses the death of his marriage


When one thinks of couples who have stood the test of time, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith quickly come to mind. However, Will admits that he and Jada have experienced their share of marital struggles just like everyone else. The Focus actor also confessed that his relationship has “died” several times in the course of their marriage.
”Whatever you have is gonna die and you are gonna have to rebirth something new. You have to be willing to ride the waves,” he recently told The Sun.
The 46-year-old went on to say that marriage has plenty of plenty of ups and downs, but in order to succeed, you have to be willing to take that ride.
“There’s gonna be some flat days and some stormy days, and that has to be OK,” he continued.
His comments seemed to fall in perfect alignment with a statement made by his wife last summer about doing away with certain “rules” in their relationship.
“We used to have all these rules, [but] as you go on in your relationship, you just get into a flow,” the mother of two explained to Net-a-Porter. “Will, to me, encompasses everything. It’s almost as if calling him ‘my husband’ is too small of a word for what he means in my life—and especially how I feel we, as women, identify the idea of a husband.”
Good for them! 

Jazmine Denise Rogers


  1. Whatever works for them, to each his own.

  2. Oh!nearly fainted!

  3. That caption is not what the real story is portraying...

  4. Haha... May be d caption should have been "Realities of Marriage, as seen by the Smiths" lol... but d story is very true of marriage & well told by Smith.
