Saturday 28 March 2015

Nigerian Man Tries To Defend Having Sex With Goat By Saying He Asked It For Permission

A Nigerian man arrested for having sex with a goat insists he should be freed because the goat provided consent before he engaged.

The Daily Times reports that 20-year-old Malam Kamisu Baranda admitted to having sexual intercourse with a goat he owned in a forest near his home.
He also confessed that this was not the first time he’s done this, saying that he has had sex with the same goat over 10 times and was never arrested.
Kamisu then said he would have quit having sex with animals had he known he’d be arrested.
Animals “satisfied his demand,” according to the Daily Times, and was the reason he did not actively seek out any women in the area.
He was sure trying to get it up for a human would only bring him “embarrassment.”
The community was apparently well-aware of Kamisu’s habit, and he was reportedly ambushed by villagers who turned him over the police.
He was sentenced to two weeks in prison, but is calling for his freedom on the basis that he now understands the nature of his offense to society as well as to his Islamic faith.

sean levinson

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