Friday 20 March 2015

See the moving picture of a doctor's raw grief that has touched so many people worldwide...

An image of a doctor overwhelmed by grief after losing a 19-year-old patient has generated thousands of comments on a social media site

I think Doctors have one of  the hardest jobs in the world! The emotional toll they go through when a patient dies can be hard on them too aside from the affected families, especially the dedicated ones,  human life is such a precious and fragile thing...The photo above is a heartbreaking photo of a doctor's grief over the passing of a young patient and it has evoked a lot of emotions and support  worldwide for the work doctors render. Read below as reported on mailonline:

The emotional toll endured by emergency room medics has been revealed by a moving photograph showing an ER doctor consumed by grief after losing a teenage patient.
The image was posted to a website by a friend and colleague of the doctor who explained that a 19-year-old he was trying to save passed away.
The doctor, wearing a white coat, is seen crouching down by the side of a road at night, with one hand holding a wall - the heart-ache of what he'd seen clearly too much to bear.

Nick writes: ‘The man pictured was unable to save one of his patients. Though this is a common occurrence in our field of work, the patients we lose are typically old, sick, or some combination of the two.
‘The patient that died was 19 years old, and for him, it was one of those calls we get sometimes that just hits you.’
Moore says he had permission to post the photo on Reddit, which has received over 3,500 comments. He wanted to share it publicly because he believes it shows what it’s like to be in a life-and-death profession.
He added: ‘Within a few minutes, the doctor stepped back inside, holding his head high again.’
The picture was first published on Reddit and has led to thousands of comments from touched users.
One, ‘J-Hof’, wrote that the image ‘really hit home’ as it reminded him of the shock felt by ER medics after they failed to save his father’s life.
The post read: ‘When he died the doctors who were working on him at the UCSD medical center were crushed. I could definitely see it in their eyes. They called my house multiple times throughout the year to see how my family was doing. Doctors do not get the praise they deserve.’
Reddit user Facetus, a medic, wrote: ‘I know exactly how the doc in the picture feels. Despite the picture showing such a dark moment it actually makes me feel happier about my career choice. I think it is the sense of connection with the unknown doc in the pic and the comments and reaction of Reddit community that makes me feel: what we do matters.’
Another user, livinbandit, said: ‘My dad is an ER doctor. I remember the times he would come home and cry in my mother’s arms because there was someone that he couldn't save no matter how hard he tried.’ 


  1. Doctors are special creations from God. For me, I just can't stand the sight of blood much more seeing a wound or the likes. God please continue to bless our good and dedicated Doctors, give them strength and clear mind to continue rendering help to mankind. Amen!

  2. Ohhh goodness me.. how dis made me cry now... how touching... God bless doctors. God bless those that have tender hearts & ppl of compassion.. may God strengthen us all in times of grief, pain, & hurt. Amen!!!

  3. I wish it was the same for Nigerian doctors most of whom are in it for the money.

    1. And most of whom are quacks.!
