Wednesday, 25 March 2015

This will crack you up

'Please come again': When receipts are just plain cruel

This guy might have been down on his luck, but he wasn’t going to let that put him out of pocket.
He returned a packet of condoms to the petrol station where he bought them in Maple Avenue, Langhorne, Pennsylvania, and got his $3.81 back.
When asked for his reason for returning the condoms so he could make a record, the man told the shop worker that his date had cancelled on him.
We’re not sure if the shop was trying to rub it in, though, with the note ‘please come again’ at the bottom.

 Richard Hartley-Parkinson


  1. He took it well. No warm done, saved his bucks for another day.

    1. Yes o! Save your money for another day, another babe, babes no dey finish. Lol

  2. Lol@please come again...double meaning there*wink
