Saturday 15 August 2015

Meet the man who gave up being human to live like a goat.

Thomas Thwaites Goat Project

 Like they say, ''wonders shall never cease''.  Frankly I think this guy don kolo...
He studied goat behavior and got so intrigued by them he gave up being human  to live with goats in the mountains.
Thomas Thwaites spent three days as part of a herd in the Swiss Alps while investigating goat behaviour.
He used special prosthetic limbs made to enable him to move around on all fours easily.
And the designer even considered having a fake stomach fitted to let him to eat grass, just like his four-legged friends.
Mr Thwaites cloven-hooved sojourn was aimed at "taking a break from being

He told Mashable: 
"My goal was to take a holiday from the pain and worry of being a self-conscious being, able to regret the past and worry about the future."
Mr Thwaites is a British conceptual designer interested in how humans will use technology to fulfil their desires

But being a goat wasn't a completely care-free existence.
He told Motherboard:
 "I was able to keep up for maybe a kilometre or so on this migration down the side of this kind of rocky mountain, and then they just left me in the dust.

"So I spent the rest of the day trying to catch up to them and eventually I found them again, and it was quite nice, in the actual soft grassy pasture bit.
"But actually heading down the mountain was petrifying. Because if I fell I didn’t have any hands to stop me from hitting a rock."

Tim Bowditch Goat Project

Thomas Thwaites Goat Project

Thomas Thwaites Goat Project

Thwaites has written a book about his experiences, called ‘GoatMan; How I Took a Holiday from Being Human’.


  1. Madness comes in different forms, he may sound ''normal'' but he needs help, where is his family??

  2. This is what happens when you have nothing to worry about and no problems lol
