Thursday, 17 September 2015

#IStandWithAhmed: People Are Posting Pics With Clocks To Show Support For Ahmed Mohamed


When Ahmed Mohamed brought a homemade clock to school to show his teachers, technologically paranoid school officials and local police mistook his creation for a crude, child-rigged bomb.
Educators and law enforcement silently crapped their pants as the 14-year-old was escorted off school premises in handcuffs to a juvenile detention center.
When the Internet caught wind of the debacle, users started tweeting #IStandWithAhmed or #NotABomb and posting photos of themselves holding clocks.

Though the clock Ahmed created was digital, supporters mainly posted shots with analog timepieces.

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In solidarity with @IStandWithAhmed CAIR-Chicago staff brought our clocks to work too. #IStandWithAhmed

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Watch out, a guy is wearing a thoub and a kufi and has a clock!! #IStandWithAhmed

Twitter user Whitney Merrill shared a photo of a watch and a NASA shirt similar to the one Mohamed was wearing when he was arrested.

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I'm sporting the @NASA shirt I've owned since I was in 7th grade and this solder kit watch today. #IStandWithAhmed

The greatest support tweet came courtesy of President Barack Obama. He urged Ahmed to stay undeterred in his pursuits of science and invention and invited him to visit the White House.


Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great.

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