Monday, 14 September 2015

Obama To Receive Second Nobel Peace Prize

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, based in Oslo Norway, announced yesterday the name of their laureate for the 2015 Nobel Prize for Peace. President Barack Hussain Obama is their selection for this years prestigious award. With the Nobel Institutes selection, President Obama becomes the third man ever to win a Nobel Prize more than one time. He joins legendary physicist John Bardeen and brilliant chemist Fredrick Sanger, who were each awarded two Nobels in their respective fields.
President Obama’s first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded by the committee shortly after he took office in 2009. Viewed as contentious at the time, his selection as a laureate was described by the committee as being due to his creation in international politics of a new political climate which emphasized multilateralism and his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. Strong objections were raised at the time by many who were critical of the Nobel Committee’s choice of President Obama. Many argued that his selection so soon after having ascended to the Presidency was a political handout from the Norwegians. He had not been in a position to effect international diplomacy for any measurable time. Nor had he actually accomplished any action of note that had led to the spread of international peace. It seemed that he had been selected for no other reason than that he was elected to the Presidency.
The Nobel prize committee selected Obama because of his outstanding leadership in brokering a diplpmatic solution in chemical weapons  disarmament in Syria, the reduction of US military presence in foreign countries especially in Afghanistan and Iraq and thirdly,for his continued support of the United Nations and International law.
The peace prize will be awarded to President Obama on October the tenth of this year at the Nobel Institute’s Oslo headquarters. President Obama has expressed his gratitude to the Nobel Committee for their consideration of him as a laureate. He has subsequently pledged to donate the cash portion of the annual Nobel Prize to several charities that serve the domestic United States.

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