Thursday, 17 September 2015

Science Says Olive Oil Might Help Reduce The Risk Of Breast Cancer

olive oil

It’s no secret olive oil is delicious and packed with healthy fat. And, according to new research, it could also help prevent breast cancer.
The study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, looked at 4,282 women ages 60 to 80.
Over the course of five years, the women were instructed to eat one of three diets: a Mediterranean diet heavy on extra virgin olive oil, a Mediterranean diet heavy on nuts or a basic low-fat diet.
After about five years, the women who supplemented their diets with EVOO had a 68 percent lower risk of malignant breast cancer than those in the low-fat diet group.
More research needs to be conducted before any real conclusions can be drawn about the link between reduced breast cancer risk and EVOO because, as researcher Miguel A. Martínez-González explained, the number of women who actually got breast cancer during the study was relatively small.
But hopping on the Mediterranean diet bandwagon is probably a good idea, regardless of breast cancer risk.
Characterized by fruits, vegetables and healthy fats (nuts, legumes, olive oil), the Mediterranean diet is also associated with lower heart disease, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s risk.
Plus, previous studies found a healthy diet is associated with lower cancer risk and a lower BMI.

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