Monday, 14 September 2015

Twin Brothers Separated at Birth Have Emotional Reunion After 68 Years Apart

Twins Separated at Birth Reunite After 68 Years Apart

Almost 70 years after they were born, twins George Skrzynecky and Lucian Poznanski shared their first hug.

The brothers were born in Germany in 1946 after their Polish mother, Elizabeth, was freed from a forced labor camp at the end of World War II, reports BBC. Shortly after their birth, the boys' mother became ill and could no longer care for her new children. The twins were taken to Poland, where they were adopted separately. From that moment, George and Lucian started their different lives, unaware of the other's existence, struggling with the feeling that someone was missing in their lives.

Lucian spent his entire life in Poland, and didn't even know he was adopted until he was drafted for the army. At age 17, George discovered paperwork proving he was adopted and that he had a twin brother. In the 1960s George asked the Red Cross for help in finding his long lost twin, but they were unable to unearth any information. The secret caused a rift in George's adoptive family, and he moved to California to start his own life.

While George always held out hope he would find his brother, it was Lucian who brought the twins together. Last year, Lucian received information about his biological mother and learned for the first time he had a twin. Lucian took this information to the Red Cross Restoring Family Links Program, and this time they were able to find the other brother.

After 68 years of waiting, George and Lucian were finally reunited in Poland. The pair plan to spend a lot more time together, catch up on the decades they spent apart and forget the past that kept them separated. Their lives together started with a tearful hug and a visit to Warsaw's Uprising Museum.

Along with reuniting the twins, The Red Cross also discovered information about Lucian and George's father and mother. Their dad was an American solider who returned to the United States before the brothers' birth. Their mother, Elizabeth, tried to find her sons after they were adopted, but was barred from learning where her children ended up.


  1. So sweet. Amazing!

  2. Oh my! Imagine their joy at finding each other..sometimes I'm not sure I'm crazy about this adoption; it will be great if adopted kids have the option of knowing g their biological patents at a certain age

  3. At long last,happy ending
