Saturday, 12 September 2015

Woman forced into mental ward for 8days because police didn’t believe her BMW was hers
A woman is taking a stand after police mistreated her due to a misunderstanding.
Kam Brock, 32, who is also known by her rapper stage name Akilah Brock, was stopped on September 12, 2014 when an officer said he thought she was high on weed, according to an exclusive article from the New York Daily News. Although officers didn’t find any marijuana, they still seized her 2003 BMW.

Kamilah Brock spent eight days in a psych ward because the New York police didn’t believe her when she said that she was the owner of a BMW.
This year, Brock filed a suit against the city for violation of her constitutional rights, saying that she suffered “unwanted and unwarranted intrusion of her personal integrity, loss of liberty [and] mental anguish.”
The incident, which Brock described as a “nightmare,” began when she was pulled over after she pulled up to a traffic light. She was playing the music in her car loudly, and when the officer approached her, she was asked why she had been driving without her hands on the wheel.
“I said I was dancing, I am at a light,” Brock told PIX11. “He asked me to get out of the car.”
She was taken into custody and held for several hours without being charged for anything. Then, she was told that she would have to come back the next day to pick up her car.
When she came the next day and said she was there to pick up her BMW, that’s when things went wrong.
“I just felt like from the moment I said I owned a BMW, I was looked at as a liar. They put me in handcuffs and said they just need to put me in handcuffs to take me to my car. And I said OK, whatever it’s gonna take to get to my car,” she said.
“Then EMS approached me,” she continued. “And they said we’re gonna take you to your car. And I’m like, in an ambulance? I’m going to my car in an ambulance? I’m going to my car in an ambulance? I was just so confused.”
Brock was taken to Harlem Hospital and was injected with sedatives and forced to take medication.
“He held onto me and then the doctor stuck me in the arm and I was on a stretcher and I woke up to them taking my clothes off, specifically my underwear,” Brock tearfully recalled for PIX11’s Nicole Johnson. “Then I went back out again. When I woke up the next day, I felt like I was in a nightmare. I didn’t understand why that was happening to me.”
During her stay at the hospital, Brock was told she was delusional because she believed she owned a BMW, worked at a bank and was followed on Twitter by Barack Obama. The only problem? All three of those things were true.
To make matters worse, Brock was hit with a $13,000 medical bill after she was released.
The suit Brock has brought against the city names the police and the hospital as defendants and is seeking unspecified damaged.

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