Friday 16 December 2016

#ZAhmed2016 Lovely Photos from Zahra's bridal henna cremony

The long awaited wedding ceremony between  Nigeria's First family and  a billionaire's family is presently going on in Abuja.Below are some photos from Zahra's henna ceremony.

In many Muslim weddings it is tradition to have a henna party before the wedding. During a henna party, artists use a paste made from dried henna leaves to paint intricate patterns on the hands (and sometimes also the feet) of the bridal party. The pigment of henna is quite dark and stains the skin very easily, leaving little room for error or mistakes as it cannot be washed off quickly. Due to the intricate patterns of the designs and the unforgiving nature of the henna paste, it is imperative for the person who is getting painted to remain very still during the application process

1 comment:

  1. What's the point in the rich marrying each other how does wealth circulate? I hear Zahra is crazy about the guy but the guy isn't really into except for the sake of his father's biz na true?
