Wednesday, 17 April 2013

A Touching message from an 8year old boy, please read.


 This is Martin, 8. He died in the Boston bombing yesterday. He was at the finish line with his family, waiting for his dad to cross. His mother and little sister were catastrophically injured. He was the student of our dear friend, Rachel Moo. His message resonates powerfully today. My prayer is that we all live by Martin's words, paying tribute to his too-brief, but immeasurably valuable life by following his example. Martin Richard

Martin Richard, 8-year-old killed in Boston Marathon, made demand for 'peace' after Trayvon Martin shooting. A devastating and touching photo of a now-dead 8-year-old boy holding a poster calling for an end to violence, never suspecting that his life will end in violence.

Of all the photos, video clips, tweets, blogs, broadcasts and news stories to emerge from this tragedy, the quiet message of Martin Richard is the one best worth remembering.
The 8-year-old Boston boy was among at least three people killed in the bombing. The image of him holding his sign was taken at school last year and it shows a wide-eyed child with a winning smile, his vulnerability highlighted by a missing front tooth. It’s a portrait of innocence.
This striking image has already made a difference and is etched in the minds of millions of people. It’s of Martin, simply smiling, telling us not to hurt one another. His message shows the way forward. It provides the true lesson to be gleaned from the horrors inflicted at that finish line.
Martin is described as an ''energetic and bight boy, full of big dreams''.

The boy's younger sister and mother were both hospitalized with serious injuries. The Dorchester family was watching the race.

Martin was killed — one of three people who died in the explosions that were described Tuesday by President Obama as an “act of terror.”
His 6-year-old sister, Jane, lost a leg. His mother, Denise — a librarian at Neighborhood House Charter School, where Martin attended the third grade — suffered a serious brain injury. They are among the 170 injured by the bombs.

Boston marathon bomb killed 8-year-old Martin Richard, but his message lives on.


  1. This is reaLly sad!

  2. So sad and touching. May his soul RIPP, Amen.

  3. My eyes are filled with tears!so so touching!may he rest in peace.

  4. May his soul RIPP!

  5. May he RIP & may God console his family

  6. So sad,RIP Martin.
