Monday, 22 April 2013

Read why this bride abandoned her wedding.

reporter china earthquake wedding dress
One reporter in China went above and beyond the call of duty when she abandoned her own wedding to report on the massive earthquake that struck the city of Ya'an in southwest China Saturday.
Appearing on-air in her wedding gown, complete with the veil, the TV reporter covered the breaking news and interviewed residents affected by the quake that killed at least 156 people.
According to The South China Morning Post, a photo of the working bride, identified as Chen Ying, went viral on Sina Weibo -- a Chinese microblogging site similar to Twitter -- many praised the reporter for her "professional spirit" during the tragic event. As Shanghaiist notes, Chen was apparently en route to the ceremony when the earthquake struck Saturday morning (no word on whether she rescheduled the ceremony).
The coverage -- striking for its juxtaposition of a reporter wearing a wedding dress in the midst of disaster -- is the latest example of an off-duty professional jumping into action. Earlier this week, several reporters who ran the Boston Marathon, quickly shifted into reporter mode in order to provide firsthand coverage of the bombing.


  1. This is way too much! There should be a point where we musT draw the line to stop, so if she was due for delivery she would jump to report?? Too much of Anything even good things , is bad!

  2. Hian which kin thing be this?she can't possibly be the only reporter in that tv station,if she no wan marry the guy she shd come out and say so.

    1. So she has succeeded to make waves today but wht abt tomorrow when she has to rely on loved ones, when she's old n frail...she wil then rem she forgot to build dat bridge !

  3. This in my opinion is too much dedication to duty,family first before being a hero.but she really tried this can't happen in nigeria @all.adaku

  4. She's not serious at all

  5. Like say I be de groom, I for marry anoda woman dat day sharp sharp.
    and una say insurance no good

  6. Am not suprised after all nobe china? Chinko things no dey last
