Tuesday, 23 April 2013

A good way to get your day started:Test your spotting skills.


There  are some subtle differences in these photos just to test your spottin' skills. Can you find the three of them?


  1. His jacket,the girl's straps has different colors,that's 2 differences,can some one else spot the 3rd?I don try :)

  2. 1. The babe on d guys right has a bag with green strap in 1 of d pix while d same strap is pink in d oda pix.
    2.The white lining over the guys overall is on both sides in 1 of d pix while it is only on one side of his coat.
    3. Dwon d guys overall, there are stars on it. The pix by my right has more stars towards its right end dan the other pix.
