A bad dream of a season for Fox's "American Idol" ended Thursday with a
ratings nightmare, as the singing competition lost a staggering 7
million viewers from last season's finale
That's down a third from more than 21 million last year — and the news gets worse.Thursday's finale, in which Candice Glover won the coveted prize,
averaged 14.3 million viewers, according to overnight ratings
Original judge Randy Jackson has already said he will not return next
year, a decision Reilly said was "mutual, with absolutely no hard
feelings on either side."
Judge Nicki Minaj was reported leaving at midweek, and it is widely
expected remaining judges Mariah Carey and Keith Urban could also
depart.Fox Entertainment President
Kevin Reilly,
speaking earlier this week, said the producers
will go to work to consider ways to stem the audience
Reilly said it is "likely" the show will revert to a three-judge panel next year.
But he also said he thought the audience erosion was tied less to the
judges than to the format. He said the "boy/girl" episodes in midseason
were not well watched, suggesting there will be some changes next year.
At its peak in 2006, the "Idol" finale drew more than 36 million
viewers, and for years the finales drew more than 30 million, making it
the most popular non-sports broadcast TV show of the 21st century.
But ratings and buzz have plummeted the last two seasons. But Reilly has repeatedly said the last few years
that even with a dropoff from its peak, "Idol" is a profitable and
valuable show.
Is A.I loosing its grip?
There are obviously other shows competing with American Idol. They need to up their ante to retain their decreasing audience.