The 75-year-old veteran actor was sitting next to fellow actor, 80-year old Michael Caine during a chat with Seattle's FOX affiliate Q13, when he appeared to doze off as Caine spoke. The two were promoting their new film, "Now You See Me."
Michael Caine was answering a question when Morgan Freeman fell into a deep sleep...but woke up moments later and fully joined the early morning interview.
After the video went viral, Morgan released a statement to E! News and his facebook page.
Giving his own spin of the 'just resting my eyelids' excuse, Freeman wrote: 'Regarding my recent interview, I wasn't actually sleeping.
'I'm a beta tester for Google Eyelids and I was merely taking the opportunity to update my Facebook page.'!
Google Glass, a device which is supposed to allow users to update their social networks through a pair of glasses and access the internet through voice commands.
The good humored star added a photo of himself giving the camera the thumbs up.
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Funny man.
ReplyDeleteFunny indeed!!