Sunday, 12 May 2013

'Unscripted ' Reality Show Is Truly Unscripted - Jim Iyke Insists.

Nollywood actor, Jim Iyke has refuted the claims made by his ex-fiancée, Keturah Hamilton that the reality show, “Jim Iyke Unscripted”  was actually scripted.
According to reports, Iyke said:
“I am sure you saw part of the clips. Somebody sped off and jumped inside the river. That was a friend of mine. I don’t think anybody will accept a script in order to die. I don’t ever think anybody could have scripted that. If it was scripted, we would make sure that the lightning, the angles at which we shot was right. The dark pictures and angles at which it was shot is an evidence that it was not scripted. As soon as I wake up and I am ready to go out, they clip something in my jacket to record every conversation that I made through out the day. There’s nothing hidden.”

Who is fooling who?:-) #lipssealed


  1. Even u Jim Iyke can't give us an unscripted reality Tv.

  2. U can't fool us Jimmy boi!

  3. It was after that episode Keturah discovered her true talent"acting", and u have always been a gud actor. It was interesting to watch just like a gud nollywood.

  4. Totally scripted!!

  5. Tell dt to d guy dt supplied Ūя̲̅ new wardrobe mchew!
