Sunday 30 June 2013

Airline opts for female crew to save fuel.

The airline plans to hire 2,000 extra cabin crew and pilots by 2020 but will only hire female flight attendants (file photo)Low-cost airline GoAir is to only hire female flight attendants to save money on its fuel bill

An Indian low-cost airline is to only hire female flight attendants to save money on its fuel bill.
GoAir says that carrying only female cabin crew could save 30million rupees (£330,000) a year because they are 33lb to 44lb lighter on average than their male counterparts.
The company's 132 male flight attendants will not be sacked but there will be no additions to their ranks.

GoAir plans to add 80 aircraft to its 15-strong fleet by 2020, reports the Times of India, and will recruit 2,000 cabin crew and pilots.
It will also cut the size of its in-flight magazine and only fill its water tanks to 60 per cent capacity to try to make its planes lighter.
The company estimates that every extra pound in weight costs it one-and-a-half rupees (1.7p) per flying hour.
Chief executive Giorgo De Roni blamed the Indian rupee, which has dropped 27 per cent against the US dollar in the last year, for the need to cut costs.
'The rupee's fall has hurt the industry badly,' he told the newspaper.

'All major expenses — aircraft leasing, spare parts and fuel costs — are linked to the dollar.
'We are looking at every possible way of cost-cutting to remain profitable.'
De Roni said the new planes would have 'sharklets' - wingtip devices - to help reduce fuel burn by 5 per cent.

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