Thursday, 10 October 2013

Ri Ri on the news again...brave or not?

Rihanna adds a brand new Maori tattoo to her extensive collection (© Twitter)

You have to hand it to her, Rihanna is one hardy lady. The Diamonds singer has been filmed having a traditional Maori tattoo inked onto her hand to honour her trip to New Zealand, but this isn’t your ordinary tattoo. In fact, getting a normal tattoo would be preferable and almost pain-free compared to this.
The traditional Maori method involves the tattoo being pounded into the skin with a chisel, hammer and ink pigment. It’s not for the faint-hearted!

See her hand before the latest tatoo. She famously had this tribal pattern – thought to be a dragon claw – inked on her thumb, also completed while in New Zealand several years ago. It is the same tattoo her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown has on his hand.
Rihanna adds a brand new Maori tattoo to her extensive collection (© Twitter)

Brace yourself, this video isn't for the faint-hearted. See Rihanna getting her tatoo. Most New Zealanders love her for this......

Is she brave or not? What do you think?


  1. I cant figure out why someone will go tru pain to get ''marked'' with chisel and hammer and come out with these ugly tattoo?

  2. O di egwu! She's finished. They ve destroyed her. Jumai

  3. Possessed! Demons have taken over her mind she can think right no more. She'll soon self destruct.......assuming they r not making all this up #publicity.
