Friday, 1 November 2013

Arik Air Mayhem caught on video.


Video: Arik Air Passengers Fight To Board Plane. This happened a few days ago. An angry passenger filmed this and posted it on YouTube. In this Internet age service providers should learn to keep up to standard in Naija or be disgraced.Nigerians now have a tool to fight:their phones. A colleague also had a similar experience and the minute she took out her phone to record the scene a seat instantly materialized for her to board, the flight crew begged her to delete the video.Always have your phone just never know when it will come in handy to cause a positive change or a bargaining chip:-)


  1. This is not for nokia 3310 fone users is it? lol, cos na wetin i dey use be dat

  2. what a disgrace and I agree on fone use when you want to get good service especially from banks and airlines.
