Monday 25 November 2013

Captive woman wrote over 500 love letters to man next door

Plea: The letter Marius Feneck says he got from woman

THIS is the letter reportedly written by a woman held captive for 30 years in London.

In it, she declares her love for a neighbour and warns him not to confront her captors, police believe.
Marius Feneck (26), who lives in the same building where police rescued the three women from years of captivity, said the 30-year-old woman - known as 'Rosie' to neighbours - wrote him more than 500 love letters over a seven-year period.
Marius Feneck
Marius Feneck
The youngest of the three women is believed to have been born into a failed cult and lived with her captors, who also held an Irish woman and a Malaysian woman.
Police are guarding an address in Peckford Place, Brixton, in south London, believed to be where the three women were held captive for 30 years.
ON WATCH: Police stand guard outside Peckford Place on the Angell Estate in Brixton, south London yesterday

Mr Feneck has now released a copy of what he says is one of the letters sent to him by the young captive.
"Do not reply. Do not confront this lot," she warns, before opening the letter with "My darling angel".
In the letter, the writer asked Mr Feneck not to show it to anybody or to try to do anything for her.
"These monsters here are absolutely evil and racist. I begged them that night not to tear us apart, but they said they'll HARM YOU if I don't promise to stay away from you," it continued.
The writer said they were imprisoned with the doors and windows locked, and they could not get out on their own.
"I'm taking a great risk to give this to you, but I can't bear to keep the truth from you any longer," wrote the woman.
The flawless spelling, punctuation and flourishes to the handwriting indicate the writer is educated, bright and expressive.
"I love you, my life is not worth living if I let harm come to you, my own heart and soul, the rising of my sun every morning," says the letter.
"So I'm like a fly trapped in a spider's web -- and I'm absolutely terrified to do anything in case these evil criminals do something to you."
The writer describes the captors as "crooks" who "dare to call themselves my 'relatives'."
The Metropolitan Police said the matter of an alleged historic report to police "has formed part of the ongoing investigation".
A spokesman also said the police are still trying to establish if the Irish woman rescued from the house is from north or south of the border.
Plainclothes police officers made door-to-door enquiries in the Brixton area yesterday. Police outside the block of flats in Brixton where the women were allegedly held captive
Two suspects, a man and a woman both aged 67 from Tanzania  and India, who were arrested on Thursday have been released on bail after being questioned over immigration and false imprisonment charges relating to the three women.
The Department of Foreign Affairs here said: "We have been told the woman is Irish, and that she is receiving the appropriate care, but her identity has not been revealed."
The police believe the couple who moved to the UK in the 1960s founded a cult or "collective" with Marxist leanings.
But it failed and the women ended up continuing to live with the suspects, said police commander Steve Rodhouse.
"The people involved, the nature of that collective and how it operated are all subject to our investigation and we are slowly piecing together more information," he said.
"How this resulted in the women living in this way for over 30 years is what we are seeking to establish, but we believe emotional and physical abuse has been a feature."
Mr Feneck told British media that the young woman who wrote the letters was "a nice girl but very odd".
"She had an infatuation with me. She thought we were lovers and she could be quite intimidating," he added.
"She put this note through my door in which she was calling her parents 'monsters' and saying they were evil 'racists'. She also spoke about how much she loved me and wanted to be with me but was scared about what her parents would do."
Mr Feneck said the woman would also send him photos of herself. In one she had a Santa Claus doll, and writing on the back said that it was her "baby".
He said she told him her parents died when she was a baby and she came to the UK when she was just a few months old.
"She told me she didn't know where she was originally from but she looks Eastern European, maybe Romanian," he said.
"The only time I'd get to speak to her was downstairs. They lived downstairs in the neighbouring block in a four-bedroom place.

Conor Feehan

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