By Corrie Pikul
shows that about twice as many women as men report feeling like their
stomach is an inflated beach ball. It doesn't help that we're also more
likely to do these belly-distending things.
Eating The Right Foods For Your Body...
...Which happen to be the wrong foods for your
small intestine. Experts have recently determined that some of the most
formidable culprits of bloating and irritable bowel syndrome are small
carbohydrates that aren't well absorbed in the small intestine, says
Cynthia M. Yoshida, MD, a gastroenterologist in Charlottesville,
Virginia, and the author of No More Digestive Problems.
They fall under the umbrella term "FODMAPs," short for "fermentable
oligo-, di, mono-saccharides and polyols." Yoshida explains that these
particles travel on down to the colon and large intestine where they're
fermented by normal gut bacteria, forming gases that result in bloating
and flatulence. Unfortunately, some of the healthiest foods we know
(cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leeks, cherries, avocados, many kinds of
beans--including soy, and more) contain FODMAPs. The good news is that
there are many other superfoods (berries, pumpkin, leafy greens, to name
a few) that are FODMAP-free. If you suffer from frequent bloating or
IBS, memorize this cheat sheet developed by UVA Digestive Health Nutrition Support Services. Yoshida says it's quickly become the go-to reference for GIs and nutritionists around the world.
No to bloating. Lol.