Saturday, 1 February 2014

How to get a wife material - BBA Host IK

Ik Osakioduwa@ik_osakioduwa 
#WifeMaterial knows how to showcase the good without EXPOSING the goods.
  Ik Osakioduwa@ik_osakioduwa #WifeMaterial doesn't spend EVERY weekend in the club. (After all it's not a job)
  Ik Osakioduwa@ik_osakioduwa 
#WifeMaterial, like Jesus, can multiply small food to feed multitude

Ik Osakioduwa@ik_osakioduwa 
#WifeMaterial knows not to leave her husband Hungry or Horny.

  Ik Osakioduwa@ik_osakioduwa 
#WifeMaterial knows how to cook. Yeah I said it. And yeah I see you beefing.

Ik Osakioduwa@ik_osakioduwa 
#WifeMaterial doesn't need to chase guys. It WILL be chased

Ik Osakioduwa@ik_osakioduwa 
A girl who is #WifeMaterial knows when to dump useless friends

 During an interview with Punch he had this to say about the tweets above:

Your recently tweeted tips on how to get a wife material; this is not the first time you are doing it. Is it when your wife excites you that you post such tweets?
Sometimes, she does some things and I have to tell her she is a good girl. Then I decide to go and talk about what makes a good girl. I am very honest and current with my show. What I do with my show is that I pick topics that are real to me at that time. If I am angry, I am going to have a show that is anger-related. You know these days, boys look at girls and say one is not wife material and on the other hand, you see your friend with another girl and you tell him, guy, marry that girl, she is a wife material. I don’t remember what inspired those tweets but I know I had done the flip side the week before.

You used to throw wild parties as a bachelor and as expected, women would flock around you. It surprised not a few when your wife came to your defence against speculations on twitter concerning infidelity.
My wife is a sweet girl. She goes up in arms for me whenever she needs to. That is the beauty of our relationship. One of the reasons why I would never answer any of the girls on my case is that I know who really has my back. When it comes down to it, my wife has my back. There are fights she would go into on my behalf that I don’t need to worry about. If I have no money and things are not working out in my life, the one person who would be there for me is my wife and I don’t have a doubt about it.

How did you meet your wife?
I met her years ago. We were both dating someone else but we became friends. I found that I could talk to her and she could talk to me. We would gist all the time. Sometimes she would ask me a question and I would jokingly say that I would answer her when we got married. We never took it serious. I think I dated three girls between the time I met her and when we started dating. I feel she is beautiful, attractive, and she makes a very good friend. So I told her I knew she was dating a guy I knew but I just realised that she was the kind of person that I could spend the rest of my life with. It took me another seven months before she said yes and we have been best of friends since then.