Saturday, 22 February 2014

Ik Osakioduwa's advice for single ladies on casual sex.

It's no secret I find Nigerian entertainer and Big Brother Africa Host, Ik Osakioduwa's tweets witty and entertaining and I like to share them on the blog sometimes.In his latest series of tweets #LearnFromChickens he offered his advice for single ladies:
Ik Osakioduwa@ik_osakioduwa 
 As a single lady, avoid casual/unnecessary sex. Why? because all fronting ends after shagging #LearnFromChickens

Ik has a way of saying it like it is but laced with humor. In this day and age where casual sex has indeed become quite casual, parents are worried about their kids indulging in it with so much peer pressure and social media exposure...
Single ladies una don hear...



  1. I like his sense of

  2. True that, painfully true!

  3. True talk! I have been there and I know its bitter taste and awful feeling that comes with casual sex.

  4. Yea,it's not necessary .
