Tuesday 18 March 2014

10 reasons you're not losing weight

Reasons you're not losing weight

Still struggling to lose those extra pounds? Here are 10 reasons you might not be able to lose that weight…

Lack of sleep

You might be tempted to leap out of bed early to get a run in before heading to work, but you could be doing your weight loss regime more harm than good in doing so. Studies have shown that people who get more than seven hours’ sleep a night are less likely to put weight on than those who don’t. Scientific research has also shown that a lack of sleep can reduce levels of the appetite-regulating hormones ghrelin and leptin.

Cutting out alcohol completely

Many people will cut alcohol out of their diet completely in a bid to lose weight, but what if we told you that this could actually increase your chance of putting pounds on? Recent research has found that people who bin the booze altogether are more likely to become obese than those who have a single drink a couple of times a week. Make sure you don’t top more than four drinks a day though, as you’ll be 46 percent more likely to become obese as a result!

Muscle meltdown

Age-related muscle loss, or sarcopenia, can begin as early as your thirties and could result in the loss of up to two percent of your body muscle. Muscles are vital in the calorie burning process, and having less muscle means more calories are stored as fat. Make sure you avoid becoming a couch potato and head to gym for some weight training.

Drinking water
While drinking water is good for you, increasing your intake of fruit, vegetables, beans and wholemeal foods, all of which are packed with H20, will do your weight loss plan more favours in the long run as you’ll feel fuller for longer.

Setting low expectations
According to research, if you’re aiming to fit into a size 10 or 12 you’re far less likely to lose weight than if you aim for a size 6. This might sound mad to some, but the study showed that if you have a more ambitious goal you’re more likely to be motivated to lose the weight.

Combining your goals

So you want to lose weight but can’t stand the thought of giving up those chocolate éclairs and heading to the gym all in one week, but research shows that this is what has to be done to get results. Those who try to tackle their weight loss targets one by one might be trying to ease themselves into things gradually rather than going cold turkey from the outset, but if you don’t give everything, you aren’t likely to get much back. It won’t be easy, but try to bin those bad habits all at once – start as you mean to go on!

Being too cold

Researchers have found that being exposed to temperatures above the thermoneutral zone actually decreases your appetite, making you less likely to pile on the pounds. Learn to deal with warmer temperatures and you could be doing your waistline a favour.

Misconceptions about cocoa

Although cocoa can have its health benefits, such as lowering your blood pressure, eating vast amounts of it will still prevent you from pushing those pounds. Milk chocolate contains higher levels of fat and calories than dark chocolate as it retains less of the cocoa bean during production. So eating the dark stuff is marginally better for your waistline, but not much, so stay away where possible!

Lack of potassium

Potassium-rich foods are great for helping you to lose weight as they are low in calories and will keep you going for longer. If you don’t get enough potassium in your diet then try eating more bananas, white beans, spinach, yogurt and baked potatoes with the skins on.

Exercising and overeating

This is a classic dieting scenario – you go to the gym and sweat it out for a couple of hours only to return home and gorge yourself on an enormous dinner as a ‘reward’. Unfortunately losing weight requires a combination of exercise and a healthy eating regime – everything in moderation.

Sarah Hecks Rex 

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