Sunday 30 March 2014

Dad would have supported my music — Waliyah Abiola

Waliyah Abiola
Waliyah Abiola, one of the daughters of the late MKO Abiola, is a music artiste. In her late 20s, she talks about her career
You studied sciences, how come you ended up in music?
I studied sciences,then Chemical Engineering in which I have a master’s degree in Engineering from Imperial College, London. But I’ve always been good at writing, literature and music. As I got older, I didn’t feel my life was complete if I didn’t explore my musical/creative side and that was how it all began. I am an artiste but I still play at banking.
How did the journey to music start?
Since I was a teenager, I have had a flair for music. But I never thought anything of it.  It didn’t occur to me that Nigerian girls could be singers. I thought it was something only African American girls did. I only started looking into music seriously about five years ago. I just felt a need to be up all night writing songs and decided it was time to go to a studio and record something. The progress was slow. I did it on odd weekends when things weren’t too hectic at the investment bank where I worked. It’s been my favourite companion, hobby and pastime ever since. I am already successful in another career (banking) and I am only doing this because I love it.
Did your family accept this?
They were not very receptive. It’s something a lot of creative people go through if you come from a conservative family. In Africa, we value education and parents want the best for us. They want us to be in stable, low-risk professional careers. Ultimately, you would be allowed to live your life on your own terms if you make a good life for yourself. Any concerns will be baseless if backed up with success.
Were your father to be alive, would he have supported this?
I think my father, the late MKO Abiola, would have supported me and would have been quite tickled by the whole thing. He loved proverbs and music; therefore, what I am doing is not strange. He loved to sing and was in a band. He often sang at weddings and as a school boy in Abeokuta. I have fond memories of him singing, “The Beatles” songs in the kitchen. This must have been a relic from the time when he  was studying to become an accountant in Scotland. I am not relying on my family name to gain acceptance. Many people have known me on the music circuit for a year now and don’t even know my family background. It is something I never bring up and this is the first time I’m discussing it in an interview. I am proud of whom I am but as I don’t want to trade on it, I simply never mention it. I’m not very comfortable discussing it, even now.
You don’t want to use an alias?
There is always the temptation to use an alias. It keeps the person and the artiste as two separate entities and it’s easier to step into character. For me, a specific alias didn’t come to mind and if something doesn’t come to me naturally, I just leave it. I am happy to use my real name.
Why did you decide to relocate to Nigeria?
I started coming home a bit more on holidays and on mentioning to the odd family friend or person that I did music, I got such a positive reception. People were interested in hearing what I had written and I wondered why I didn’t look into doing music in Nigeria sooner than I did. I’m bonding more with home, meeting so many talented people here and I believe I have something unique to offer.
How will you describe your genre of music?
I don’t have a specific genre of music. I just do whatever comes to   mind. The tempo or instrumental may be different but it’s the same Waliyah applying herself to a song. These things are just labels used by myself and others as a way of letting you know what to expect from a specific recording.
The competition is stiff here…
We will see how it goes. Hopefully, as we go along, the music audience will take to me. You can only do your best and then it becomes a case of supply and demand.
How do you view the Nigerian music scene?
It is a mixed bag. Our actual content and music execution is world class but the process that supports the distribution and exploitation of that content is understandably not as sophisticated as it should be. We are still early in the journey and that evolution will hopefully happen.  Lots of music executives are doing excellent jobs bearing in mind that many corporate organisations are reluctant to invest in the music industry.
Have you faced challenges?
There are few opportunities to launch yourself, since you are not known, but the catch is, how can you then prove yourself? That’s just the way life works and I guess it’s about paying your dues and staying diligent. If you keep pushing and you are good enough and it’s your destiny, then it will come together. If not, then you will remain one of the millions of up and coming artistes out there. It is the boulevard of broken dreams for millions of people. In all things, the toughest part is starting out and trying to gain a foothold. It’s a bit like launching a rocket, almost all the fuel is expended in launching into orbit and from then it’s free fall and maintenance of your course.
Already, you have your label?
Having my own label was an obvious thing to do. I have a brain, some business and entrepreneurship knowledge. I’m not just a chic singer hopping around, I have substance. It made sense to do my own thing first and then see where it will take me to. I am on the lookout for finding collaborators or another label that can take care of me and my needs as well as I can.
How far have you gone with your debut album?
It will be released within the next year. I already have half an album’s worth of material as well as an album of my UK-based work. My new single, Siwaju, was produced by Sarz.
Are there musical influences?
I like contemporary music – Afro pop, American music, UK music of any genre; soul, pop, country, rock, Indie pop, you name it. I also like world music, for example, Arab, Asian, Turkish music and hope to apply some of these in my music as I go along.  My compositions are inspired by anything and everything. Often, I try to make the music I want to hear and perhaps that which no one else has made.
How do you unwind?
I like to catch up on current affairs, news, politics and movies as well as spend time with friends. I also love to travel and I am blessed to have been to a lot of places. It’s mentally stimulating and gives you a fresh perspective each time you come back. I’ve ticked a lot of places off the list but Turkey, Greece, Egypt and Japan will be good sometime in the future.
What does style means to you?
Style is ideally a reflection of our personality and mindset. It can be such a joy and means of artistic expression especially for women.  I like to be comfortable but elegant. It varies but depends on mood and phase. I’m currently heading towards a “less is more” style. I feel less of a need to always wear bright colours or sequins all the time. I think it’s about confidence and letting your real self come through. Whatever outfit serves as a good frame, wins my vote.


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