Friday 28 March 2014

Nick Cannon apologizes to Mariah Carey with a diamond bracelet after bragging about sex with Kim Kardashian

Loved up couple: Both Mariah and Nick posted this cute shot on social media sites and Nick captioned it, 'Yep She's Happy!!!!'
Talking publicly about sex with your wife is one thing. Revealing details about sex with your ex-girlfriends is quite another...especially if one of them is Kim Kardashian.
Maybe that's why Nick Cannon bought Mariah Carey a hugely blingy diamond bracelet for her 45th birthday today, two days after telling all about their wedding night and his torrid time with Kim.
The rapper's mouth ran away with him in a radio interview with Power 106 host Big Boy on Tuesday. The station posted the full video of the no-holds-barred chat, with all the details it couldn't broadcast on air.

Aside from shocking Big Boy with his long list of exes, Nick also decided to spill details - and lots of profanity - about the first time he and his wife Mariah slept together.
'[The first time was] on our wedding night, honeymoon style in a house in the Bahamas. That's a real woman right there to make you wait.'
But he was not done. Describing his wife of six years as his 'soul mate,' he gave more details.

'I'm a pleaser. I went in going, ''She going to love this''.... I f****d the s**t out of her,' he said.
After being so vulgar - and seeing the surprised look on Big Boy's face - the 33-year-old realised his wife may not be so pleased with him when she heard the interview.
'I can hear the conversation now, ''Why are you being so crude and nasty talking to Big Boy?'''

It can't get much blingier: Nick Cannon bought Mariah Carey a diamond encrusted bracelet for her birthday, two days after dishing the dirt about sex with Kim Kardashian

A really big birthday present was the ideal way to make amends, if any were needed. And it worked.
Mariah posted two shots of her blingy bracelet on Twitter. The first was captioned: 'Nick surprised me for 3/27 with a stellar diamond bracelet encrusted with 3 floating butterflies! @NickCannon'
The second showed a smiling Nick cuddling up to Mariah's bling-covered arm as she leant her head on his.

Nick's own commentary on Instagram, where he posted the same two photos, went: 'I think she's happy...' followed by  'Yep she's happy!!!!' 

What a way to apologize! Would you accept this kind of apology from your man?


  1. That's what you get when u marry a small boy,immaturity. What did she expect?

  2. Diamond bracelet and more sex will do.

  3. Some people will be lucky to even get an apology.

  4. Nick cannon's apology- before nko?ofcourse I'll accept that kind of apology even with less.

  5. I think he's young youthful exuberance yet he loves her if u ask me + they ve got wonderful kids. No marriage is perfect even when d man is older there are no guarantees

  6. If not 4 anythn...the sex she is getting 4rm d young strong full og energy boy..and i tink to posing things sef. So dat oda women can go and die sef
