Saturday 29 March 2014

Pastor bans women form wearing underwear to church.


The story of the South African pastor, Lesego Daniel of Rabboni Centre Ministries who instructed his congregation to eat grass so they could be closer to God shocked people when it went viral. And now there is another bizarre story involving a Kenyan pastor and the banning of underwear- panties and bra.

Reverend Njohi, a Reverend at Lord’s Propeller Redemption Church in Kenya, ordered the female members of his congregation to attend church without any form of underwear so that  Christ can enter their lives. The law was passed after a meeting chaired by the Reverend banning the wearing of underwear. He claims that people need to feel free in ''body'' and ''spirit'' when going to church in order to receive Christ.

He reportedly banned the wearing of undergarments in his church because they are ungodly, and ''people need to be  free in body and spirit to receive Christ.''

A member of the church women complied with the law and came to church with no underwear in the last Sunday service. 
According to The Kenyan Post, Njohi allegedly warned members that there would be terrible consequences if they attempted to secretly wear bra or pant. Mothers were also advised to make sure their daughters comply with the order.


  1. Is this real or gist??? Wonders shall never end.

  2. 'Evilness' is finding different bizarre ways of making itself obvious more and more.what is the next generation see.

  3. People go to church for the wrong reasons and they are too lazy to read the bible which is available for all that's why its so easy to brainwash them.

  4. Women are very good at worshipping their Pastors. People should learn to read the bible and challenge anything contrary to the word of God.


  5. how come he banned only the women?or is it an all female church?
