Sunday, 12 October 2014

Is Ebola Virus a Secret Weapon or Wrath of God?


  • It is a man-made virus designed to depopulate Africa
In a similar way to how the HIV/Aids outbreak was often said to be man made, some believe Ebola has been deliberately created to decrease the world's and in particular Africa's rapidly expanding population. Others suggest it has been deliberately engineered to target black people.

  • It has been created purely to sell a rabies-based vaccine
This is a variation of the man-made theory which suggests the current media attention surrounding the outbreak in Africa is nothing but government programming so that people are ready to line up to take the rabies-based vaccine they are preparing to roll out.

  • It is a biological weapon of mass destruction
Some believe Ebola was secretly created by the CIA as part of a foreign policy initiative to counter the threat of communism and black nationalism in central Africa

  • It is a punishment from God for homosexuality and immoral acts
Some deeply religious Africans believe Ebola to be the wrath of god, a punishment for immoral acts.
The Liberia Council of Churches (LCC) has issued a statement reading: ‘Liberians have to pray and seek God’s forgiveness over the corruption and immoral acts (such as homosexuality) that continue to penetrate our society. As Christians, we must repent and seek God’s forgiveness’

  • It can be cured with saltwater
In parts of Nigeria a rumour has been spreading that Ebola can be cured or prevented by drinking hot salt water. Four healthy people are believed to died from dehydration as a result of trying to protect themselves in this way
  • The Simpsons predicted it
We reported yesterday how some internet conspiracy theorists,claim the world famous TV series predicted the Ebola crisis back in a 1997 episode in which Marge tries to coax a sick Bart out of bed She suggests he reads a book before producing one entitled 'Curious George and the Ebola Virus'.


  1. Whatever the case maybe we black will continue to overcome.

  2. Ebola virus is a secret weapon which God allowed. Therefore it's both s secret weapon and punishment for sin.

  3. Ebola is a weapon of mass destruction developed in American labs and Africans are the quinea pigs
