Thursday 29 January 2015

This is Nigeria

Having lived in Nigeria for 40+ years I have come to the irrefutable conclusion that Nigeria is a special project driven by God himself. 
I have seen crisis in my own lifetime that would have torn better countries apart and yet Nigeria waded through it and survived. 
I have read different postulates, over and over again, predicting the stumble and fall of this blubbering giant.
Yet Nigeria lives on.
This entity called Nigeria has dumbfounded even the most empirical analysts. 
This country has been battered,bruised, raped and violated in ways no one person can imagine.
Yet She lives on.
Once more we come to a great precipice, the 2015 elections.
Pundits have predicted all manner of calamitous outcomes.
I make bold to say that 'THIS IS NIGERIA' we will see this elections come and go and Nigeria will live on.

Ike Nwandu