Brandon Stanton is the person behind "Humans Of New York," a massively popular photo project that puts Stanton and his camera on the streets of New York City, snapping photos of the people he sees and asking them questions about their lives, their memories, their goals, and their fears.
Now a photo Stanton took of Vidal Chastanet, a 13-year-old from Brownsville, Brooklyn, which has the highest crime rate in the city, is going viral, and it helped Stanton raise nearly $1 million for Mott Hall Bridges Academy, where Chastanet is in sixth grade.
Stanton, who hardly ever meddles in the lives of those he photographs, was compelled to go to the school to meet Principal Nadia Lopez.
The "Good News" section of Ellen DeGeneres' blog had the story:
Nadia was in the middle of raising money to send her students on a trip to Harvard, a college she wanted them to have in the forefront of their minds. Soon thereafter, Brandon found himself joining the cause, helping to raise over $700,000 for the trip in just four days.
Thanks to the amount of money raised the sixth-grade class will be able to visit Harvard for the next 10 years.
"If you're from Brownsville, they don't expect you to be much in life," Chastanet says. "They don't expect you to have a quality education; they don't expect you to know what you're doing. They expect you to fail. They don't want you to become anything that you want to be … I realized that if I want to be anything in life, as Ms. Lopez said, I have to learn how to be better. It doesn't matter about the past and present; you must focus on the future. Your future is what you set it to be in your mind."
The Humans of New York is a noble project that has impacted the lives of many people positively. Kudos to the founder.