Monday 26 January 2015

Woman Marries Herself because She Couldn’t Find A Husband By The Time She Turned 40


Every little girl in grows up fantasizing about the big day.. The day she will get married to her prince in shining armor.. The day she becomes a wife with a big ring on her finger.

Early into adulthood Yasmin promised herself that if she hadn’t found a mate by the time she was 40, she would marry herself, and she kept her promise.
For a teacher in the country’s 4th largest city with a black population totaling more than 1/4 of the city’s growing 2.1 million people, that day somehow never came.

Yasmin Eleby‘s wedding was everything she’d ever dreamed of.

Complete with singers, a band, a gorgeous candlelight ceremony and a white cake to match, Yasmine promised to love and honor… herself.

Along with 10 bridesmaids Yasmin’s big day went down without a hitch.

Wearing a royal purple gown a glowing Yasim, walked down the aisle and bestowed her mother with the honor of giving her away..
Yasmin’s own sister who just happens to be a minister officiated the entire wedding and helped her say her vows.

However it was only a spiritual ceremony – because you can’t legally marry yourself in America or anywhere else for that matter.

She says the best part of her special day was having her family there to “stand up” for her.

Her other three sisters were bridesmaids and her mom gave her away; or back to herself in this case.


  1. She needs therapy.

  2. Marriage; much ado about nothing.

    1. Honestly u just said it right.the grass is always greener on the other side until u get in there...

  3. She needs to loose weight and the whole family needs to go for therapy. And by the way she's still single, still lonely, still searching. Lmao! She's fooling herself.

  4. Well she got her 5mins of fame.

    1. Exactly. What a joke! The whole family is a bunch of jokers

  5. If she loved herself so much she shouldve been long married to herself instead of waiting. I smell a divorce coming soon.lolz

    1. Rotfl@divorce.she go soon divorce herself

  6. comment!

  7. Naa nothing pleasant about this... as demanding as marriage can be, its either u r married to a MAN or ur not married. Shalom!

  8. Should ' ve used the money to buy a man.

  9. Hilarious and sickening at the same time.i mean who does this kinda thing? Ala!

  10. Atleast it's better than commiting suicide
