Sunday 1 February 2015

Quote of the day: A dying woman's note to her husband.

This is a story of true and forever love.Billie and Jimmy Breland got married in 1954.
Shortly after Billie and Jimmy Breland celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, Billie, a public school teacher, fell ill. This month, at 83 years old, she passed away.
Her husband Jimmy, who was a Baptist student minister, had stuck by her side throughout her illness.
During her life, Billie was an avid note-taker; she made sure to document every special moment so she could remember them down the line.
According to Cliff Sims, the couple’s grandson,
Every photo on the walls of their home is meticulously documented. She wrote down funny things that happened or quotes she wanted to remember, all in the perfect cursive handwriting that could only belong to a school teacher.
Before she died, Billie wrote a note to Jimmy and hid it inside her checkbook, hoping he’d find it.
Sure enough, he did. The short, happy letter is a beautiful reminder that as much as we grieve death, we must celebrate life, too.
Check out the old and recent photos of the couple sweet note and some photos of the couple below.
Love is such a beautiful thing....welcome to February the month of love...we should celebrate love every day..all the time :)

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