Thursday, 30 April 2015

Bruce Jenner: 'He Loves High Heels and Doing His Hair'.

Bruce Jenner Becoming a Woman: He Loves High Heels, Doing His Hair, Source Says

For many, hearing Bruce Jenner say on national television, "I am a woman," was a shock. But sources close to the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star say he's been waiting his whole life to come clean about his secret. 

Now, two months after the bombshell Diane Sawyer interview was taped, Jenner is happily entrenched in his new life as a woman. "He's relieved," says a Kardashian source. "He feels like a big weight is off his shoulders." 

And now, Jenner, who excitedly told Sawyer about his plans for a "glam room" at home, is empowered to explore more publicly what for decades he kept private. "He's so excited about everything female," says a Jenner insider. "He loves to dress up, he loves wearing high heels, he loves doing his hair." The insider, who reveals that Jenner has a "full closet" of women's clothes that he buys online, is finally "looking like the woman he's always wanted to be." 

Jenner, 65, is also continuing to privately pursue methods of physical changes so his face and body will appear more feminine. Multiple sources confirm that the reality star, who has been taking female hormones for nearly two years, has had several surgeries including breast augmentation, a third nose job and work on his jaw and forehead. As far as full sexual reassignment surgery, Jenner told Sawyer, it's "down the line." 

For now, Jenner's female identity will be kept behind closed doors until a public reveal this summer, but the former decathlete often hosts "girl parties" as "her" (his reference to his female identity). "More and more, and certainly in private," says a source close to the family, "Bruce is living as a woman." 

When he does occasionally step out in public, "he seems confident and relaxed," says a source. "Recently, he's left his house with nail polish and lip gloss. He seems more comfortable in his new life." 


  1. Custom made heels now I guess. Lol

  2. He should be treated for celebrity Dementia. Agadi!

  3. Will he still be dating women or men? Is he gay or tranny or just making a fool of himself.
