Friday, 17 April 2015

House help caught on camera breastfeeding boss's baby(Watch)

Another nanny from hell! People are still taking in the OLX maid saga, now this.Its reminiscent of the nanny from Uganda that viciously beat and kicked a little boy in her care.
A house help in Nairobi was on Friday caught on camera breastfeeding her employer’s nine-month-old baby.

Accoding to, the house help, Grace Mwikali Mwema, had barely finished two days on the job when she was captured by a hidden camera in the living room breastfeeding the baby.

In the video, she is seen offering the baby her right breast first. She then shifts the baby to the left breast. But throughout the episode, the baby is resistant to suckling the househelp’s breasts.

Eventually, the frustrated househelp gives up on the unnatural act and lets the baby play.

The baby’s mother says she could not believe her eyes as she watched the live feed from the nanny camera on her smart phone while at work. NairobiNews adds that what was insulting was the response the house help gave when confronted with the video.  The house help claimed that the baby was touching her breasts.

The employer says she was stiff worried that her baby could have been infected by the house help during the bizarre episode, so she quickly took the lady for a medical check-up. To her relief, the lady tested negative for HIV and Hepatitis, both of which can be transmitted through breastfeeding.

The mother said:
“She had not left a suckling baby behind, nor aborted to justify why she was breastfeeding. The doctor confirmed this. Her motive was sexual. My child was a victim.” 
The baby’s mother said she bought a nanny cam for Sh10, 000 and installed it in the living room as a precaution to see what house helps do when she is not around.
“If you want to watch it live, you have to have wifi in your house and be using a smartphone… I saw this act in real time, therefore I acted fast… she denied it when we asked her about it. It is until we told her we have a camera that she admitted,” added the mother in a Facebook posting.
The house help, who is also a mother to a three-year-old child, was arrested and is in police custody awaiting trial.

Atleast it's a good thing there was a nanny cam, cos it's getting tougher to be a working mum and leave your children in the  care of nannies.


  1. This is awful, wetin working mothers go do? Na nanny cam all the way.

  2. Don't understand why people don't make their nannies go for medical tests before employment. This one is just medicine after death, she's lucky.

  3. Hope she has no disease.

  4. I can't even bring myself to watch it! How treacherous can ppl be?? God will continue to help mothers & more especially working mothers.

  5. Couldn't bring myself to watch the video but it may not be sexusl since she's a mother that's used to breastfeeding. Cos I wonder if she did it to her child.

  6. when you think you ve heard it all.lots of twisted people out there

  7. This is sexual molestation.

  8. All them witches posing as nannies!

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