Wednesday, 29 April 2015

The magic moment for passion is 7.54am for men but 11.21pm for women...really?

A new study has shown that women most desire sex in the evening, while men feel passionate in the morning (Picture posed by models) 

Women are night owls when it comes to passion in the bedroom, while men favour the early morning approach. 
A new study has shown that women most desire sex at 11.21pm - but men's optimum time for passion is more than 15 hours earlier at 7.54am.
Despite a busy day in the office or running errands, the fairer sex are most likely to feel passionate between 11pm and 2am.
Men are far more inclined to feel sexy before midday though, with the preferred time slot of between 6am and 9am. 
It is no wonder that couples can sometimes struggle to maintain a healthy sex life, when they feel frisky at such different times. 
68 per cent of women and 63 per cent of men have dated someone whose sex drive was different from their own. 
The difference in the sexes' optimum moment for passion is revealed in a new survey of 2,300 people by sex toy brand Lovehoney which looked at couples' mismatched sex drives.
While men feel at their friskiest first thing in the morning, just 11 per cent of women feel most passionate at this time.
Desire levels for women rise throughout the day and reach their peak between 11pm and 2am. 
But just 16 per cent of men want to make love just before they go to sleep.
The study also found that people tend to settle down with partners who have similar sex drives to their own.


                           Men                 Women 
6am-9am            28%                 11%
9am-1pm            10%                  9% 
1pm-4pm            5%                    8%
4pm-6pm            3%                    4% 
7pm-8pm            5%                    6% 
8pm-9pm            10%                  9% 
9pm-11pm          18%                  22% 
11pm-2am          16%                  25% 
2am-6am             3%                   3% 
Almost two-thirds of women and half of men said they wanted sex as much as their current partner.
But there were big differences in how couples' sex drives vary during the week.
Just over half of men said their sex drive was pretty constant, compared to just 36 per cent of women, who said theirs  was driven by their moods. 
Lovehoney co-owner Richard Longhurst said: 'This shows that there are big differences in sex o'clock between the sexes..
'Men are ready for sex just before breakfast whereas women most want passion last thing at night.
'What is encouraging is that most people tend to find sexual happiness in the end with a partner with similar needs.'

Who agrees with this survey??


  1. Hian! My hubby shouldn't see this o hian

  2. i disagree, men want sex 24/7

    1. Hahahahaa may be it's oyinbo analysis. Bcos my naija boo rocks it any hour it crops up lol
